PBAP seminar at north point khandala 25th & 26th August 2006 honoured delegate
Adavantage Maharashtra convention on Housing for all 19yh Nov 2008 - MCHI & credai Maharashtra
Pune International Chess festival 2004
PBAP Appericiation award 1st Pune Property exhibition in Mumbai 2nd - 4th May 2008
HDFC property fair December 2002 - In appericiation of your participation and contribution
PMC Engineer's Association Dindarshika 2--8
MIT school of buisness
National Buisness Leadership Award - Indian international council for Industries and trade
Building Industry Leadership Award - 31st March 2011
Credai Tamil Nadu - Advancing to a promising future through growth, awareness and credibility
Building Industry Leadership Award - 2008 sept 22 New Delhi
Shrishti Good Green Governance Award 2007, 08, 09
Advantage Maharashtra - State Convention of real estate developer 31st July 2006, Mumbai
Shrishti Good Green Governance Award 2007
Shrishti Good Green Governance Award 2008
Amicus real estate excellence award 2008 - Best real estate company
Rajiv Gandhi reality excellence awards 2010 aug 30'2010 New Delhi Regional Developer of the year - West
Credai - Appreciation of contributuin towards Natcon 2010 , 9th national premier RE convention Jan 23-25, Dubai
Amicus Real Estate Awards 2008 Yuva Entrepreneurship Award
Shri Jain Vsh Vimalnath Swami Temple trust
Credai convention 2000, New Delhi
Pandit Jitendra Abhishek Mahostav
Rotary Club of Pune - east 27th Jan'2001
The Gujarat institute of Civil engineers and architects
Walking Plaza Pune Cnatonment Board 2006
Run for VDIS 27th Sept 1997
PBAP 3rd installation ceremony 15th April 1992
47th Sr. Maharashtra Ball Badminton Championship - Shree Siddhivinayak college of arts and commerece
All India Seminar on Construction & sale of ownership flats 17-18 Dec 1988 The Institution of Engineers
Constro 2007 28th Nov - 2nd Dec
Natcon 2006
Building Industry Laedership Award 31st March 2011, New Delhi - Young Icon of the year
The real estate agents association pune
Common wealth games 2008
1st annual national convention NAR- India 06-07th March 2009 - Estate agents association
SCHC - Symboisis center of health care